Following on from Mondays post about what a photo shoot can do for your brand and before I share my 'Made by Me' knicker pattern photographs here are my essential top 6 tips to planning your photo shoot.
1. Research, research, research! In order to communicate your story of your work, be able to communicate this to your photo shoot team look at current and past fashion photography and find out what you. Look for a variety of styles, settings and poses as well as how props are used to enhance the images. Collect these images either digitally (pinterest is fantastic for this) or in a sketch book. Start building a visual library of what you like. Remember to follow your competitors and see how they photograph their work.
2. Choose your photographer well. It's vital you have a good relationship with your photographer and they can understand your vision. Meet up beforehand for a planning meeting and go prepared. Make sure when you approach a photographer you have look at their portfolio and know their style and go with your research. Ask lots of questions and be clear about arrangements for the day.
3. Product shot or fashion shoot? You ideally need both kind of shots of your garments, though they may not be from the same shoot. Product photography is about the garment. Fashion photography and look book shots are selling the story of your collection. Think about the feelings you are trying to tap into, what would draw your target customer to buy from your collection, draw from your design inspiration.
4.Studio or location? There is a very different feel to each of these. If you decide to do a studio shoot you may need to hire studio space if your photographer does not have access to one. If you chose location then do your research thoroughly. Go and think about how the environment could be used to maximum effect. I usually take some sample shots of possible settings to take to the initial planning meeting.
4. Attention to detail. On the day you need to provide the clothing and props. Go with lots of options so you have flexibility to try things out. Take more that you need to enable you to try out new ideas and be flexible on the shoot. Make sure your clothes fit your models and take pins and clothes pegs just in case you need to do a quick fix.
5. Build your dream team. Who else will you need on the day? -hair and make-up, more than one model, an assistant. Make sure everyone is briefed and you are organised. This is your project so make sure you are punctual and professional in all your planning- remember you want people to work with you again!
6. Get involved on the shoot- Be proactive, don't leave it all to the photographer. If you have done your research you should really have worked out what shots you need. Look at the angles, look at what works visually for you, look at the photographs being taken as you go along and don't be afraid to suggest things and be directional.
'Made By Me Stretch Knicker' pattern - launching soon!
I just can't wait so here is a sneak preview from the shoot. Tune in Monday for my final shots of the collection!
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